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The Price of a Bomb: The Story of Two Stolen Nuclear Weapons (A Fran Rupert Novel) by RC Schulz

In the early days of the Cold War, Western European countries created an alliance to protect and defend their borders from being overrun by the Soviet Army. They turned to America for assistance. Very reluctantly, the Army created a very small nuclear weapon that could be carried by ordinary soldiers. It would launch like a skyrocket on the Fourth of July, travel a few miles and explode, killing everyone in the immediate area. The Army issued thousands of these weapons to the troops in Europe but years later recalled them from the field.A van carrying the last two bombs issued to the Canadian Army years earlier was hijacked, its crew murdered and the bombs stolen, to be sold on the black market to anyone with enough money.Fran Rupert, agent extraordinaire of the Central Intelligence Agency, is tasked with locating the thieves and recovering the bombs, but without allowing news of the theft to become public knowledge. Once again, Fran encounters foreign enemies shooting at her on a city street, a late night assault that leaves her drugged and unconscious, and a live hand grenade dropped at her feet.

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